About Us

Founded in South Carolina in 2020, Red Line Outdoor Services LLC is a provider of trekking poles. Since its establishment, Red Line Outdoor Services LLC has made its trekking poles recognized by the market through continuous innovation and loved by consumers.

We have a passion for developing and designing the most ergonomic and innovative outdoor gear. Our mission is to bring you the best quality gear at the best price, with a touch of style and a ton of ingenuity.

We’re not a general purpose company looking to do a large scale business, we just love making gear and putting it in your hands without forcing you to spend a lot of money. We love coming up with new design ideas, colorways and improvements in our gear. 

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Foldable trekking poles can withstand a variety of weather conditions lightweight hiking essentials

For safety, our trekking pole set features moisture-wicking cork handles. Fits your hand for comfort and security.

Lightweight Aluminum Trekking Poles with Extended Grip Plus Tip

On long hikes or everyday walks, you will feel the difference with this trekking pole.

Trekking poles lightweight aluminum adjustable foldable shock absorption

Three-section trekking poles are made of high-quality aviation aluminum, which is strong, lightweight and easy to adjust.


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