Welcome to Trekkpole.com!

I am the person in charge of this website.

My name is Seth Bacon.


Our Story

For many years, I have been an avid outdoorsman with a passion for hiking, mountain climbing, and more. However, I have also experienced firsthand the difficulties and risks involved in challenging rough terrain.

It is precisely because of these experiences that I began to think about how to provide myself with a safer, more comfortable, and enjoyable outdoor adventure experience.

During my search for a solution, I discovered the unique functionality and potential of retractable trekking poles.

These poles feature adjustable length, which can be adjusted according to different terrain and height needs.

They provide extra support and balance, reducing the stress on joints and knees.

I realized that retractable trekking poles were a tool with great potential to provide outdoor enthusiasts with more peace of mind and confidence during their adventures.

This realization led me to create this website, where I aim to recommend retractable trekking poles to more outdoor adventure enthusiasts, offering them convenience and safety.

I firmly believe that by selling retractable trekking poles, I can not only meet people’s demand for high-quality outdoor equipment but also inspire them to bravely face challenges and surpass themselves.

Thank you for your attention and support for Trekkpole.com.

We will continue to work hard to provide you with the best quality retractable trekking poles and excellent service.

Let us explore nature together and move forward bravely!